6362 d357

Planetary Defense Conference
by The International Academy of Astronautics
from 13-17 April, 2015 in Frascati, Italy.
(Conference Registration)

The conference will include an exercise where participants will simulate the decision-making process for developing deflection and civil defense responses to a hypothetical asteroid threat.

The threat scenario will begin with the information on a hypothetical object presented at http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/pdc15/.  Conference participants are invited to use the information presented there for analyses of the possible nature of the threatening object, for examining the decision-making process for actions related to possible evolution of the threat, for assessing possible deflection options should the probability of impact increase, and for estimating the consequences of impact should that be the eventual outcome.  That page will be updated with a NEO Deflection App shortly to aid in these analyses.  Updates to information on the threat and the threatening object will be provided each day of the conference.  The last day of the conference will be dedicated to the final response to threat, potential consequences of impact, and possible disaster recovery issues and options.